Subspace Studios
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Welcome to Subspace Studios - We use artificial intelligence, voice cloning, and deep player customization not as buzzwords, but tools to create some of the most realistic and immersive VR games and erotic experiences.

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March 02
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It's been a very eventful month, let alone week and I wanted to take some time to share this community update tonight to both fill you guys in on where both projects are at.

I want to quickly let you know how we're doing, answer some common questions and give you an accurate idea of the road ahead - Both in the near and long term future.

First, the elephant in the post. The artwork featured above is the beautiful my partner on this project has drawn and pieced together over the past year as concept art of sorts for Playroom. The talent and passion she has for this space and the beautifully devious side of it is beyond inspiring and I'm determined on helping her bring these ideas into reality.

Which is a good segway into the first update which involves Playroom. The real reason you're all here (or at least we thought/hope so?).

Playroom VR & DomGPT Updates - A Little Backstory & Context For Both Projects
SubspaceStudios and the community here was started earlier this year not just to fill a gap that to this day amazes me nobody has created something genuinely great in yet involving AI and virtual reality when it comes to kink -

- But also as a big time pasion project for my partner who was just recently coming out of a very, very bad place mentally and wanted to regain hope in both humanity and this industry which she's now a certified veteran in.

I gave her my word that I would fund the team and resources it would take to bring this vision into the world (or I guess virtual) world and things took off FAST with a roaring start and a strong community supporting our work.

The long days in the office/studio designing assets, writing scripts and coding elements and features for Playroom was some of the most fun and not to mention fulfilling couple of months I've had in a long time and it was a true miracle to see her flourish and find happiness again in a project we all loved so much.

You can scroll back to some of our older posts here on the page and see how much content has already been created and how much work has already been put in. We were expecting to start launching monthly of not bi-weekly test builds and scenes of Playroom 3-4 months ago, but the after posting a link to a little tech demo for our in-house AI model DomGPT, the community has demanded our time be directed toward a chatbot type app where they could better interact and play with it.

This little tech demo soon became an obsession for a lot of supporters and it seemed like this experiment to play-test an AI chat model was a game itself and something we offered along side the real game. So we went along with it and decided that this type of app genuinely is something that people wold love and a little time spent on it can make it something not only fun to play around with, but a whole new game in and of itself.

We plated around with various different apps and tools to host that would let users interact with DomGPT and change it from something just slapped together for an example, into something more polished. This thankfully lead us to connect with the beautiful soul who created the Agnai interface that we now use today and we quickly became partners.

There seemed to be some sort of confusion in the past couple of weeks that one or both of us were either copying or stealing each other's work which is ironically very far from the truth. We're partners, friends and both apps are virtually the same and we share ideas and features both ways.

The DomGPT Chat app using their project for the UI is NOT something we either sell, give away or offer to patrons as a benefit or feature. It just acts as a way to interact with our AI Model DomGPT which can work in any chat tool.

Speaking of, once everything is self-hosted in the next couple of weeks, we can finally offer a public API for you guys to plug in to any app or interface you wish. I'm trying to have the team build out an OpenAI API simulating endpoint as well which would let you plug DomGPT-2 into any app that already uses OpenAI's services right out of the box.

So what's the issue here?
Today we have a bit of a love hate relationship with deciding to take this silly little tech demo to let users play around with or model into a full blown project... There have been multiple 3-4 day straight work sessions making sure everything was online and working properly while under the thumb of the more toxic corners of the community (as much as it pains me today).

We went from building an immersive, hyper-realistic VR kink experience that hasn't existed until now powered by a custom AI model trained on billions of pages of BDSM related content, having fun and making wild progress to feeling extorted to produce a some silly chatbot and it's been a bit disheartening to both myself and my partner.

She's had to take multiple breaks from the project for her mental health while I took the wheel that was initially founded to be a positive re-intorduction to game design and development and I hope we can turn that back around into a blessing in her life which I'm sure you all agree.

But after having ours, our family and even other supporters' doxxed, received near-creditable death threats, having other business partners contacted and worse due to some patrons being under false impressions of timelines, updates or lord knows what has been... a lot.

But you know what? we don't let things like that stop us 😈

This community Is filled with beautiful souls and since day one have helped us move so quickly on everything we do with their constant support and constructive feedback with every update we post and we're incredibly thankful for each and every one of you.

I'm equally as happy with the project because it has turned into something that the rest of the space simply does not have and as we polish it more and more it's only going to get better.

In-fact, some time over the next few days our new dedicated dev for DomGPT (I'll touch on this more below!) said he figured out how to sync global data in the app which means we will finally be able to push new characters to you guys on-demand.

But at the very least, I'll be linking you all to a Mega folder with the latest versions of each character from the ones you know, to some new faces too... So stay tuned for a more technical feature focused update we'll likely publish Friday and take a few days to reset during the holiday.

Both an update post here on Patreon and an actual app update is likely too. Speaking of which, you may see periodic issues with connecting to the app tomorrow as those are rolled out.

They will all be backend changes as we are trying to find a good solution to self host the DomGPT-2 model and get away from third party services such as OpenRouter. Don't get me wrong

The team there and at every platform we've used so far have been fantastic, but I don't like replying on others when it comes to up time for you guys. Plus a self hosted model will be more cost effective and deliver faster results within the game and within the chat app.

DomGPT Chat still has some kinsk to work out as far as the backend and a good set of promised featured I want to make a reality for you guys, but now we're finally in a place where we can breathe and take those on.

Which, brings me nicely to my next update, which is now that things have calmed down a bit, I've had the chance to plug her back into the project including daily responses to all of your comments and messages, and managing things on the backend, as well as bring back the rest of the team members who took a break from the real game as we focused on the chatbot app.

New Team Members
Next week after the coming Thanksgiving holiday (at least here in the US) we will have a few fresh faces to introduce you guys too along with the characters above.

- We're brining on a dedicated community manager for even faster communication than we already commit to, which also means we can finally open up a valuable Discord server for the project

- We have 3 new devs being added to the team, 2 senior devs, one from the earlier days of Subspace and a new Jr. dev who will be responsible for DomGPT Chat.

This will allow us to focus out attention back on Playroom while DomGPT-2 and DomGPT Chat (the app) will continue to be updated not just as fast, but faster than we already have been.

We're already almost at Beta 3.0.0 after only releasing it a handful of months ago and I'm pretty damn proud of everyone here for making that happen so fast.

Now that it's already well past 3am for me, I do need to wrap this up before I go on any longer and save something for the next update coming in part 2 which you guys are really going to love...

In summery, things are on track and going very well. A few hiccups and bad actors along the way won't stop us or slow us down, and now we're coming in with backup to help us walk this out and make something truly great for you guys.

I can't wait for you guys to get your hands on the first Playroom test builds as soon as possible so you can start playing with what've already built and then where things progress from there.

We love this project and we love this community. We're all on the same team here and we try out best every day to communicate that to you guys and deliver not just what we promise, but over deliver which I'm proud to say we've continued to do even under some of the most stressful times in any of our lives.

Stay tuned for part 2 of this update coming Friday along with the DomGPT Chat character upload, more updates about the new Discord server, the team, even more Playroom updates and I'll also be touching on the new Subspace website I've been working on all night that will include a live and up to date roadmap for each project you guys can follow and know exactly where everything is in the pipeline.

Sweet dreams and talk soon. Thank you guys for everything!

PS: We've worked through 300+ messages in the Patreon inbox in the last 24 hours and still have some to go after we get some much needed rest, so hang in there 🙏

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