The data collection instrument used for this study are published journals, textbooks, the internet, and a structured questionnaire. The structured questionnaire was designed for the respondents on a five-point Likert scale. This method broadens respondents’ minds and allows them to say more on the subject matter instead of the ‘yes & no answer. In a specific context, the questions are precise and direct to avoid ambiguous responses. The questionnaire includes a different statement like “(i) What are the Start-ups’ market entry strategy and globalization of digital education in Lagos, Nigeria? (ii) What are the funding strategies employed by Edtech Start-ups in Lagos, Nigeria? (iii) What are the challenges faced by SMEs or Startups in the traditional or digital education markets in Lagos, Nigeria? Apparently, these questions are assumed to have much significance on subject matters, so they were carefully chosen for this research. The questionnaire shall be divided into two (2) sections. To further enrich the data, I shall seek the opinion of experts for expert validation, as suggested by Ekekwe (2013). The semi-structured questionnaire consisted of prepared open-ended questions that guided the interview systematically and consistently
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